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Wire and cable

Over decades of operation, the company has successfully developed and installed pneumatic caliper brakes, also specially designed for specific applications, on all types of machines in the wire and cable market, such as decoilers, wire drawing machines, wire processing lines, braiders, tubular machines, planetary cablers, wire stranding machines and more.

Since the applications are so varied, specific knowledge of the appropriate friction materials is essential. They vary from machine to machine, involving the four types of braking: continuous slip (wire tensioning), emergency braking (brakes applied to the power transmission system), parking or cyclic braking.

The standard anti-corrosion treatments supplied by Coremo Ocmea are suitable for prolonged use of brakes in these not particularly aggressive environments.

The robust construction, efficiency and ease of maintenance of Coremo pneumatic caliper brakes ensure a reduction of the particularly high costs generated by machine down-times and production waste.

The COREMO OFFERING comprises:

  • Pneumatic caliper brakes., air-applied, spring-applied and dual.
  • Different types of friction materials depending on the type of braking.
  • Standard anti-corrosive protections.
  • A vast range of couplings and discs in cast iron or steel with or without hubs.
  • Technical consulting service for devolopment of customised solutions in association with clients.


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